Your friend will receive the article link on email mentioned. The curiosity surrounding the caves has led many travellers and historians to visit as w Ajanta and Ellora Caves—facts you should know before visiting. Visual Stories Right arrow. Travel Beautiful getaways in South India that you can visit in December. Travel Offbeat places in India to take your last trip of Travel New Year holidays: 10 international destinations open to Indians. Travel These festivals in November are the best reasons to travel.
Country Region Year Name of the property. Without With. Grotten van Ajanta De eerste boeddhistische grotmonumenten in Ajanta dateren uit de 2e en 1e eeuw voor Christus. Source: unesco. Links Ajanta and Ellora Caves. WebGL must be enable, see documentation. Media Links. Gill worked in truly difficult conditions. Not only was it often unbearably hot, but this was still tiger country, and the fierce Bhil people had never come to terms with invaders, whether Hindu or Moghul emperors or 19th Century British military.
What Gill and other visitors saw, having climbed ropes and ladders, to reach the caves — the original stone stairs had long gone — was architecture of a very high order and sculpture and paintings that took the breath away. Here, Buddhist monks had gazed on thousands of lustrous images of the lives the Buddha — Siddhartha Gautama — had lived before this 6th Century Indian prince took up teaching and inspired a way of thinking and being practiced by hundreds of millions around the world today.
Between images of the Buddha, were sensuous representations of glamorous princes and princesses, of animals, palaces, silks, jewellery, of lovemaking and life in all its mortal richness. Some of the images shocked Victorian sensibilities and are still condemned by religious zealots unable to comprehend that what these Indian artists saw was a joyous vision of natural fecundity and divine beauty.
Along with the1st Century AD architecture, these paintings showed remarkable affinities to classical Greek art.
This was not coincidence, but evidence of a Greco-Indian culture that had spread from the 4th Century BC expeditions of Alexander the Great. It stretched through Hellenistic kingdoms and trade routes from the Mediterranean to Persia, Afghanistan and India — with Ajanta along the way — to distant China and Japan.
Newly armed with a camera as well as brushes, Gill set to work again. Tangible Intangible Knowledge Resources.
Search form Search. Ajanta Caves Maharashtra The style of Ajanta has exerted a considerable influence in India and elsewhere, extending, in particular, to Java. Page last updated on: Thursday, November 11,