Outsets and onsets! C1 very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people :. Synonym argot.
There are so many slang words for ' drunk '. He uses a lot of slang terms that I simply don't understand. Grammar Slang. The players started slanging each other in the middle of the game. English very informal language that is used esp. Translations of slang in Chinese Traditional. See more. Need a translator? Translator tool. What is the pronunciation of slang? Browse slanderer. A new word created by combining portions of two existing words is called a portmanteau , and they are very popular as a way to give a new name to a celebrity couple.
For example, the actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were known as "Brangelina" when they were married. Other examples of portmanteaus:. Because slang terms are often only understood by people in a certain group, using slang is, above all, a way to show that you belong.
You show that you're one of the crowd by using terms that others don't understand, and you can connect with like-minded people who understand just what you mean by using the latest slang terms. For this reason, slang is often a mark of being "cool," or at least in the know about something.
People who are "in" with a group know the slang, and people who aren't don't. Slang is, therefore, a way to use language to separate yourself from others. The best example of this is the way each generation of teens uses new slang to separate themselves from their tragically uncool parents. Over time , slang terms either die out from lack of use as groups move on to new terminology, or they may become so popular that they are absorbed into the common language.
In this case, everyone understands the terms, and they aren't likely to be considered inappropriate or poor grammar any longer. This is how language grows and evolves over time, as new words are added to the dictionary while old ones fall into disuse and disappear.
One of the most exciting aspects of the English language is that it's constantly evolving. As each generation comes of age, it adds new and creative slang to the culture, so you're sure to hear something new pretty regularly.
If you want to head even farther back in time, explore some fun Victorian slang terms. All rights reserved. Examples of Outdated Slang Some slang words that were once popular are no longer used. For example: Cat's pajamas : This term was commonly used by flappers in the s to mean that something was exciting, new, or excellent.
Though it doesn't make much sense, it does use vivid imagery. Jenna and Tamara Jillian Rose Reed her best friend, speak almost exclusively in inside jokes and ever-evolving slang. To be bad is to be afraid of equality: Behind all the sloganeering and slang , that is the truth of the age.
She has real pretty manners when she is with them, and really tries not to talk slang. She did not powder too much, and she had the latest slang at her pink tongue's tip and was yet moderate in her use of it.
A well-bred person will take care not to use slang words and expressions. Notwithstanding the fact that we owe some of our strongest idioms to slang , the free use of slang always vulgarizes. His conversation was at all times interlarded with the slang terms appropriated to the science, to which he was so devoted. Expressions that do not belong to standard written English. See jargon. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! See synonyms for slang on Thesaurus.
We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms. Origin of slang 1 First recorded in —60; origin uncertain. Words nearby slang slam dance , slam dunk , slammer , slamming , slander , slang , slang dictionary , slanging match , slanguage , slangy , slant. Where does slang come from?