Where is cabarete located

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Photos of Cabarete This place has no photos yet. Weather in Cabarete for 5 days Today 11 November. Fr 12 November. Cabarete Dominican Republic Thursday, Cabarete, Information. Select a country. American Samoa. Antigua and Barbuda. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bouvet Island. British Indian Ocean Territory. British Virgin Islands. Burkina Faso. Caribbean Netherlands.

Cayman Islands. Central African Republic. Christmas Island. Cocos Keeling Islands. Cook Islands. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Dominican Republic. El Salvador. Equatorial Guinea. Falkland Islands Islas Malvinas. Faroe Islands. Federated States of Micronesia. French Guiana. French Polynesia. French Southern and Antarctic Lands.

Heard Island and McDonald Islands. Our latitude is We are located approximately 25 minutes east of the Puerto Plata airport, and our property can be reached via Highway 5. You will find that addresses in Cabarete can be a little ambiguous.

More often than not, the name of a business is the address. The directions given by Google Maps actually work correctly, so no need to panic. We also have a big sign posted on Highway 5 with an arrow pointing to our location, which just steps off the main.


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