Am J Gastroenterol Nov. In a randomized, controlled trial performed in two U. The RL start position resulted in the following advantages with similar doses of midazolam and fentanyl used between groups :. Faster median times to cecum vs. Fewer changes to supine position 6. Insertion time was still seconds faster with RL versus LL position among these most-experienced endoscopists.
This effect of RL decubitus position with gas insufflation should be somewhat similar to the effect of water immersion in the LL decubitus position: the straightening and shortening of the sigmoid colon. In the U. Further, the median times to reach the cecum in both the LL and RL decubitus positions were Thank you for updating your details. Log In. Sign Up. Become a Gold Supporter and see no ads.
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Morgan, M. Abdomen lateral decubitus view. Skin disinfecting and draping Maintain traction on the limb during preparation to avoid excessive deformity at the fracture site. Disinfect the exposed area from above the iliac crest to the mid-tibia with the appropriate antiseptic. Ensure the adhesive portion of the drape is large enough to reach from the iliac crest to the knee joint to allow distal locking. Place the image intensifier on the nonsterile side of the exclusion drape. Traditional drapes may be used.
Ensure a waterproof environment for the operative site. Drape the image intensifier. Operating room set-up Position the operating table if feasible within the operating room to allow maximum space on the operating side for the surgeon, staff, and trolleys. The surgeon and the ORP stand on the side of the injury. The Assistant may be on either side.